Since I've recently become unemployed I seem to have more time for knitting. Here are a few of the projects I've completed in the last week. I love my Noro Argosy scarf, it was so fun to knit and I love the yarn's slow color transitions. Now I just need to block it.

Then I was onto felt bags. I knit this cute little purse using birthday Lopi yarn from my mother-in-law. It was supper quick and I actually did the majority of it while at the theater watching Beowulf, which I thought was an ok movie. The husband hated it, too much deviation from the book.
Yes the turbulance sweater is still on the needles, the sleeves, and the back are complete. The front is almost up to the armholes. I really need to finish that. But in the meantime I'm entertaining myself with these other small projects.

I fell in love with this hat at the LYS and had to make one for my sweetie pie, Sophie. She's a girly-girl and will love the pink. Or at least her parents will. I think she'll be most impressed by the pompom.
Of course there's been plenty of time to run off to the Seacoast Knitters and chat with my knit sibs. If only I could live off my knitting. ahhhh......