At least that’s how it feels. Not sure what possessed me to suddenly become a monogamous knitter but I have been since the moment I cast this bad-boy on. Really it’s been 7 days and I’m a third of the way through the second and final chart. The lace itself has become very interesting, and the purl back rows have become gigantic!!! At roughly 400 stitches a row, it does take a chunk of time to complete each row. Going forward I’m going to branch out a little and knit some socks but work to complete 4 rows on the Haruni a day until it’s done. Which would put me roughly at the end of next week. We shall see how I do with that. But on the positive side, this will definitely count toward my 12in2011 as this is most certainly stash yarn.
On a narrow-minded world filled with images of knitting grandmas with cats, who is left to take up sticks and string, and take pedigree cats to the show halls? It is I, Mychawd The Knitting SAMurai who doubles as a Devon Rex handler in the Cat Show ring. Ahhh c'mon, are you really still trying to take me seriously? Yes, my life is a little like the movie Dog Show…only with crazy cat people and knitters. It's nothing if not entertaining!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Haruni, day 465!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Haruni update
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Haruni

Shutter Island was one of the movies. I’m certain that if I had read the book that would have been a total mind f&%k. Having watched the movie I felt it was uneventful. I don’t think they translated it well enough to the screen to be the mental thriller that it could’ve been. But the rainy weather matched our weather outside so I kept watching to the end. And when that ended I realized that I had to knit 4 more repeats of the chart for this shawl. 16 rows of the same diamond/leaf shapes for another 4 more times. Each row longer than the last. I fell asleep at 7:30 last night, I was so board with this knitting.
I woke up refreshed, thinking I’d jump right in and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had made it out to be last night. After 3 rows I took a nap at 8am in morning!!! This is overwhelmingly exciting lace knitting. I’ve now read the comments on other people’s projects about how they omitted the diamond/leaf shapes and did straight stockinet stitch.
Man I wish I had seen that yesterday!!! I’ve completed 2 of the 4 repeats and I know that if I put this down I will dread finishing it and not come back. I think my main problem is that I expect lace to be different on each row and exciting, why else would you need a chart.
I also expect it to change, I don’t think I’ve ever done such a monotonous lace pattern. My pervious lace endeavors had me on a new chart every 20 0r 30 rows not the same pattern for 80 rows. Plus the big payoff is chart B when the flowery part is knit, the intricate and old lady part. Remind me again why I jumped right into knitting this project that I’ve been on the fence for months about? At least I didn’t waste the Madeline Tosh fingering weight yarn I just bought on this. I think I just need a tattoo or something in my face to remind me that I’m not a fan of lace knitting and to stop trying.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Wait, what did I forget?
We just bought my parents CRV. It’s a 2007, silver EX-L, which is to say a super loaded 4 wheel drive SUV with a killer stereo and decent gas mileage. I’m feeling really spoiled. Today was my first day to drive it. (The Boyfriend and I have agreed to share the new car). This is the same vehicle that Mum and I drove all over the Northeast this fall to cat shows. In four months we put something like 15,000 miles on it. Of which I drove at least half. So this morning shouldn’t have felt that different compared to the past. First thing I noticed was all the space behind me. With an empty trunk and back seat, the CRV is huge. Next thing I noticed was how small my handbag looked on the seat next to me. Shouldn't something larger be there? I had this nagging feeling I was forgetting something. Something important. I drove on but the feeling persisted. And then I got the a red alarm message through my brain … “HEY Genius!!!! You left Mum at the hotel!!!”
After I remembered that it was a Wednesday and I was driving to work I concluded that it was Mum that was missing from the seat next to me. That was my nagging feeling of forgetting something. I’d never been in the car without her as my copilot. Funny.