Monday, July 6, 2009


Yesterday was exhausting. Mum and I spent 5 hours going through all of my clothes, sorting, throwing out and giving away. It was hard work trying everything on saying

“Yes work appropriate,"

"No weekend wear," or

"Dear god you can’t possibly wear that in public!”

My closet was a nightmare before we began; clothes strewn across the floor, disheveled piles to the ceiling, and I had no idea what was in there. Turns out I have a lot of long sleeve black shirts. Who knew? I used to be very vigilant about switching my summer and winter clothes every 6 months. I’d send a bag or two to Good Will and reassess what I had before shopping for the next season. It’s been over a year since I last “turned the closet”. I think all the turning momentum went into turning the yarn.

So the good news is that Mum and I successful fit both seasons into my closet. We found the floor. I now have 65 extra hangers. We packed up 6 ½ trash bags of clothes for Good Will, 3 bags for friends who are smaller than I, and one bag for the parents. And what did Mum and I do when we were finished?

Oh you’ll never guess. We went shopping and got me a few more things.


Jasmin said...

Wow! I have to say, before and after pictures are THE BEST. Nothing says "Look what I accomplished" like photographic evidence.

Joan said...

Sounds like you are ready to hit the job running!coptivib