On a narrow-minded world filled with images of knitting grandmas with cats, who is left to take up sticks and string, and take pedigree cats to the show halls? It is I, Mychawd The Knitting SAMurai who doubles as a Devon Rex handler in the Cat Show ring. Ahhh c'mon, are you really still trying to take me seriously? Yes, my life is a little like the movie Dog Show…only with crazy cat people and knitters. It's nothing if not entertaining!
Oh be careful, You'll want all sorts of sweet pastries all the time if you read the whole series. I just picked up book 12 two days ago and read 10 and 11 last week. I swear I gain 5 pounds just reading them. They are a lot of fun thou.
I have read them all since they are lol funny. But pie for breakfast is the best!
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