It was a glorious spring day. It started in the much the same way as many proceeding Saturdays. Last night’s pizza for breakfast, a bit of knitting and some Dr. Who. Well it’s not always Dr. Who, sometimes it’s a bit of Torchwood if I’m feeling particularly British. Or if I’m in the mood for some witty banter I’ll watch Bones. A bit of detecting, CSI or Law n’ Order. A historical perspective, then History’s Mysteries or Ancient Almanac. But none of this is what made it glorious. Although it was a particularly good Dr. Who in which he proclaims himself to a Time Lord and 903 years old with all of the self-assuredness you would expect from someone that old.
Finished up the knitting and hopped into the car with The Boyfriend. The sun was shinning, the wind blew in our faces through the open windows and we were giddy from the fresh air and arrival of spring. Stop to mail back last night’s Netflix, and head to Nottingham. It feels like the country. Met some friends and contemplated visiting a goat farm. I thought ahead, actually I thought back, and remembering my dismay while on our honeymoon when we visited a Turtle Farm, I asked ahead of time if the goats were for eating. All responded in the negative and my conscience was at ease. We took a leisurely stroll over to the farm where I fell in love a black and brown baby goat. Unlike the others, she didn’t have an ears to speak of and was very sweet. I was shocked to hear myself cooing away to her and scratching her head. Me, the girl who is strictly hands off to all animals except our devons. I even knelt to get closer to her. She put her hooves on the fence to get closer to me. The boyfriend laughed as he pointed out that she was about to take a bite out of my pants. It’s so nice to see him laugh and relaxed.
During the fifteen minute walk back to the house I had ample opportunity to consider how disgusting my hand felt and reassess the appropriateness of my previous hands off policy. It eliminates the possibility of icky hands.
Next we went for another ride, with the top down. I recalled the time we were with The Eye Guy in California and road through the sun-drenched seaside. This was a close second to that ride. Arriving at our destination I then spent the rest of the afternoon reclining in the car, listening to my favorite podcasts (CraftLit, Yarnthing, Yarncraft) as well as Dracula. Strange thing, I originally read Dracula while on that trip to California. Something about convertibles and Dracula…well he is a bit of a convertible himself. My hands moved mindlessly through the motions as I knit four cat toy mice. The pattern was memorized long ago.
And although I did get a bit warm sitting in the sun, and I did get a few odd stares as people passed, I was encased in my own world, of yarn, gothic literature, and sun. It was a glorious day.