On a narrow-minded world filled with images of knitting grandmas with cats, who is left to take up sticks and string, and take pedigree cats to the show halls? It is I, Mychawd The Knitting SAMurai who doubles as a Devon Rex handler in the Cat Show ring. Ahhh c'mon, are you really still trying to take me seriously? Yes, my life is a little like the movie Dog Show…only with crazy cat people and knitters. It's nothing if not entertaining!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Rhinebeck 2010

--Pictured are several colors of Socks That Rock –including two skeins of medium weight for a BSJ,
--Sanguine Gryphon Bugga (20% cashmere fingering weight merino) in the color Cowkiller (no less than a sweaters worth),
--Footnotes Optics and Kashmir for socks and a Christmas shawl, somebody who likes brown better watch out…
--Feederbrook Farm worsted handspun –lime, navy, and plum -120 yards for accent on a hat
--Pinewoods sock yarn, two skeins because she amazes me with her dye application and smooth color transitions
--Briar Rose 4th of July is the green-blue barber pole worsted yarn. Shown in the giant skeins on the right. Another sweaters worth
--Lorna’s laces Sheppard Worsted in Zombie Barbeque. I couldn’t resist the color once I read the name. IT’s the lime, gray, red color way. Another BSJ? A hat for me?
I also picked up the perfect buttons for my Scottish Green hat that I knit in January for Rhinebeck but was unable to find buttons that matched its mix of argyle and sophisticated style.
And who could forget the bummer stickers. The best one is on my fridge “If knitting were exercise, you could bounce a quarter off my ass.”
MMH is pumped to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool this spring. I could definitely be persuaded…
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rhinebeck Just 3 Days Away!
The forecast for Friday is rain.
Saturday is Windy with a high of 56.
Sunday is Sunny and 63.
Which means we’ll have a rainy drive down, a cold say Saturday and a warmer relaxing day on Sunday. I’m ok with that. Right now my desk is covered with tiny post-it notes reminding me to pack tissues, an expandable bag to carry purchases in, and my full set of needles so that I can cast on with new yarn. Going away with a bunch of gals always intrigues me. Not that woman want anything different than men, it’s just the group dynamic I guess. I’m wondering if there is some perfect snack item that we would all love or if a breakfast muffin mix would be appreciated more than a trip to Dunkin’. Probably not. Although that does remind me that I need to pack coffee, where’s the post-it? I get up entirely too early to wait for everyone else to wake up and go before getting some of that into my system.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Rhinebeck Here I Come!
I’m not sure where September went but I’m pretty sure October is going there too. Between the start of the busy season at my job and running to the Cat Shows every weekend, I haven’t had a moment to stop and think. I am pleased that the hard work all around has paid off. First Mum and I have been having so much fun together as our Bella excels in the show ring. And this week I was promoted which is a nice pat $$ on the back for all of my efforts. My immediate thought was, ‘great now I can buy more yarn and sweaters!’ As only a true knitter would think. Something about fall makes me want to buy cloths. Perhaps it’s working in retail and hearing all of the seasonal hype. And the chill in the air gets every knitters blood pumping giving their fingers a rush of energy to knit more more more.
Oh and I know just where to buy some yarn!!! Rhinebeck is less than 10 days away!!! Can you believe it? I shouldn’t go without a shopping list. I did that the first year and bought entirely too much lovely sock yarn and nothing else. This year I know to buy some wine, buttons, and artichokes in addition to the mountains of yarn I’m inevitably drawn to.
To start the shopping list… I’ll definitely be coming home with
*Some Heavy Weight Socks that Rock, two skeins per color for some DK weight projects.
*A sweaters worth of something blue or brown,
*A few tempting skeins of sock yarn dyed in a manner that only an indy dyer can.
*And perhaps some Brooks Farm or Briar Rose. I’ve contemplated both in years past but haven’t been able to justify the price. But maybe this year…
Oh and looking at the vendor list I see that Jennie The Potter will be there. After hearing the Knitmore Girls talk about how great her stuff is, I’ll have to spend some time in that booth as well. Ditto on Carolina Homespun and Creatively Dyed Yarns.
And most importantly, fried or frenched artichokes. So yummy! Rhinebeck here I come!!!