OK now to see KnK and hear their ‘exciting news’. I wonder what it could be?
On a narrow-minded world filled with images of knitting grandmas with cats, who is left to take up sticks and string, and take pedigree cats to the show halls? It is I, Mychawd The Knitting SAMurai who doubles as a Devon Rex handler in the Cat Show ring. Ahhh c'mon, are you really still trying to take me seriously? Yes, my life is a little like the movie Dog Show…only with crazy cat people and knitters. It's nothing if not entertaining!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Two things...
OK now to see KnK and hear their ‘exciting news’. I wonder what it could be?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Yay Energy!!
Tomorrow I hope to take some updated WIP pics. We'll see if I can break away at lunch and find a sunny spot for a photo shoot.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Devon Heaven

Mum was a trooper and drove exactly half of the time so I got to knit for a while with Mr. Adan on my lap. He’s such a laid back cat in comparison to Miss Isitt who is a bit spoiled to say the least. She demanded she be held, she despised Adan, and she was only quiet if she could sleep on my lap. By the end of the ride, I was ready to shoot her. She kept me up a good part of the night and growled at Adan every time he tried to lay down near us. But by morning Adan was curled up with us and Isitt decided that she loved him.
Friday was pretty low key. I was able to visit the Black Sheep Yarn Shop in Timonium Maryland. I got a skein of Yummy 100% super wash sock yarn in this lovely celery-avocado color. That evening we left the kids in the room while Mum and I went to the Rex-ception. A good time was had by all.
The next morning we were off to the show hall. We weren’t there an hour before one of our friends offered us Twilight Zone…a 7 month stunning little Chocolate Tabby female who’s sister is dominating the Devon Rex world (one of the top scoring kittens). Shocked we tried to focus on showing our babies and considering this generous offer. There were 15 kittens competing in Isitt and Adan’s age group. 8 Judges saw them, each rating the kittens color, adherence to the breed standard, and personality. Then they ranked their top 5.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how funny the auction was. The Devon Rex Rescue League was able to raise almost $5K from the proceeds. There was a lot of original artwork and pottery. We laughed so hard joking about tiny pots, coveting bells, coming for a visit, and at just about anything that came out of Angela’s mouth.

We decided that we’d be happy to take the little Chocolate Tabby home with us, and by we, I mean Mum not I. Between Linus, Isitt, and MacOban our house is full. So we renamed her Emma and watched her win 4th best Devon Rex kitten with the same pride we had for our two. After many more happy moments around 5pm Sunday, Mum and I packed it up and headed north. Thunder showers and the G.W. Bridge stood in our way but in the end we made it to Connecticut by midnight. Even with me screaming at one point, “I can’t see!!!!” to which Mum responded, “Then stop the car!!!” as we were flying down an off ramp. I was really tired and had rubbed my eyes too vigorously.

Friday, August 7, 2009
Even after driving for 10 hours
The Boyfriend did choose his three favorite pictures from Glacier which I thought you might enjoy.
My favorite!!!! There might be something to this nature walking stuff. Although I'm not sure I could knit and walk but the views are amazing!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Just a super quick lunchtime post
The Boyfriend made it home safely from Glacier National Park. He had a great time and took amazing pictures that he’ll be posting on Facebook if you want to check them out.
I’m rushing off at 6am tomorrow with Isitt, Mum, and Adan (one of Nessa’s babies) to Maryland. It’s time for the Devon Heaven show, which means that rather than a handful of Devons at a cat show, they’ll be 30-50 of them. We’re not expecting to move mountains with the two kittens we’re showing. Just bringing them for the experience and will be happy if we finish in the top half of the class. Garmin says it’s an 8 hour trip so I’m hoping to split the driving time and get some knitting in. It’s strange how fried brain = no knitting. I have made progress on my monkey socks but it’s definitely slow. I can just forget about a pair a week and hope for a pair a month now!!
Hope all is well in your part of the world.
Oh and my Just an Hour update...
I Knit on
Saturday…while watching the first half of the Tourchwood movie, most excellent, although I did miss Owen.
Sunday…while doing laundry and watching The Closer
Monday…while waiting for The Boyfriend and listening to the Stuff You Should Know Podcast (Josh and Chuck are hilarious).
Tuesday…as we looked through the trip photos but I was so tired I could only do about two rows before going to bed super early.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Devon Rex Hijinks and History
"You would have died laughing last night. I was finally able to make plans to talk to G about her beginnings. Try as I may I could not get her to send me an email with it all written out. So The Samurai and I secretly prepared for the phone call before I dialed G. The Samurai was at the computer with the p

I called G and she began to tell me the story. The Samurai typed her fingers flying a

"Yes, one breeder insisted on making us breeders against our will rather than selling us a pet.
In 1982 the last of our Burma black Siamese died. We always had 3 or 4 of them. My husband didn’t want anymore after our last one died as he’d always be comparing new to old.
I went to a show on Sat. to look at Cornish and Abbeys which is what we thought we wanted.
There in an end cage was a cat I had never laid eyes on one before. It was this hairless thing with tuffs on its ears. Looked like fur boots on, with great big eyes, turned up noise, ears falling off the side of its head. I gasped, I giggled, and I almost dropped to my knees helpless with laughter. It was the weirdest, funniest thing I ever saw. I was a goner.
The breeder/owner of this cat said, "Anyone who wants the female Tortie has to pay $350 for her, register her, show her immediately, breed her, and register a cattery name with CFA."
We went outside to have a smoke and talk. Came back in and said we’d take both.
Makes me laugh today, there’s no way in Hell someone can get started in Devons like this today.
When approached the Board of Directors said no to Devon Rex. They said they have the “Rex” cat and you’re a variation.
Back then there were Rex cats only. We were told Devons were to be bred to the Rex standard. Eventually Devons were allowed in as provisional. Judges did not like them – No rosettes - or breed ribbons. Some Judges would ask questions and were interested and intrigued by these cats. CFA finally accepted Devons as seperate from Cornish Rex in 1984 but it took 4 or 5 years before Devons started making finals."
I'm not asking for a lot, just an hour

Which leads to my challenge for August. Can I just knit an hour a day? I’m not asking for completed items or complicated projects. Simple socks or my Hanne are fine. Just an hour. I’ll report in each day and see how I do.
Technically I completed the July sock knit alongs. My On Holds are a major disappointment. Yes they are finished. But they are super way too big.
In the mean time I'm jumping in on the August socks from the toe up kal and casting on the Seaweed socks in a yarn TBD.