Knit Natives; 
I have bad news. My knitting allotment has dropped from upwards of 65 hours a week down to 8. I’m too tired to knit, or even think about knitting. The good news is that I’m semi-able to
knit garter stitch in this state. My
Hanne vest (not the one in this picture) is coming along nicely since that’s roughly 575sts of mindless knitting. Although, I was working on it one evening and fell asleep I was so wiped out. They tell me that my energy levels will pick back up soon. I’m not sure if I believe them.
Which leads to my challenge for August. Can I just knit an hour a day? I’m not asking for completed items or complicated projects. Simple socks or my Hanne are fine. Just an hour. I’ll report in each day and see how I do.
Technically I completed the July sock knit alongs. My On Holds are a major disappointment. Yes they are finished. But they are super way too big.

Too big even for The Boyfriend. I’ve put them in the finished items bin, perhaps their time will come. My July SKA Mystery Socks don’t need to be finished until August 31st so I’ll keep chugging away at those, maybe. I’m not wild about the color choices and am having a hard time finding the motivation. Maybe once I get to the color work again I’ll become more interested.
In the mean time I'm jumping in on the August
socks from the toe up kal and casting on the Seaweed socks in a yarn TBD.
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