On a narrow-minded world filled with images of knitting grandmas with cats, who is left to take up sticks and string, and take pedigree cats to the show halls? It is I, Mychawd The Knitting SAMurai who doubles as a Devon Rex handler in the Cat Show ring. Ahhh c'mon, are you really still trying to take me seriously? Yes, my life is a little like the movie Dog Show…only with crazy cat people and knitters. It's nothing if not entertaining!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Scrap the Snicket

I cast on and realize that the pattern is for cuff down socks. Being that I have the tendency to get over anxious and make things too small, in my rush to hurry-up and begin the next part of the pattern, I don’t think cuff down is a good choice for me. I’ll make too short socks and end up with a lot of left over yarn.
No problem, I’ll just switch to a toe-up construction, the patterning should be the same. Cast on two toes and I’m off. Well not quite, upon further inspection it turns out it’s a 19 row repeat for the pattern and on top of that it’s full of cabling stitches to the front, and then back, in such a way that I can not hope to memorize it. I made it through the first 19 rows on one sock and 5 rows on the other with the pattern in hand and intense concentration the entire time. Then I realized, this isn’t any fun, and it isn’t what I had in mind.
Next I pulled out the 19 rows and pulled out the Encyclopedia of Stitchery f

Ha ha, fooled again! The twisted zigzag pattern I select seems straight forward. 10 rows in I realize that it’s not at all looking like a zigzag, just a mass of purl ridges. Oh wait, I’m knitting in the round. "D'oh!" change those purl rounds to knit rounds! Alas, it’s frogged again.
At least it only noon on a Friday and I have the entirety of the weekend to set these socks right. Also the fact that Sydney Carton just “fed” the guillotine in A Tale of Two Cities has set me off down a teary road for the day. If Dickens is to be believed, then the French Revolution was a fearful time with death lurking around every corner. I had not considered the bloody consequences of this liberation. Perhaps my socks are as doomed as Sydney.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mittens in June?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Get off the table Mabel

Yesterday, after just 5 hours sleep we got up and got ready. Then it was off for a day of shopping. I got some black strapy sandals and an amazing replica of the Rockland Breakwater. I saw it and knew it was coming home with me. It might be a gift for someone else or we may keep it. I spent a lot of my hour school mornings-afternoons-evenings on The Breakwater.

Fast forward to last night, my mother, my AP, my Memere and myself had dinner together. Memere planned a fantastic meal, deviled eggs, tomato and rice soup, American chop suey sans hamburger, and a delicious baked eggplant dish. Along with the banana rum and ice tea it couldn’t have been more perfect. We laughed and laughed until we cried. The atmosphere was just right and I felt a wonderful connect to the other women in my family. They tolerated my knitting and I joined in as we sang some of the songs from their childhood, including one about shaking my peaches.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Knitting Meme
This makes me think it might be fun to do a knitting meme…
1) Bold things you’ve done,
2) Green thing you are currently doing
3) Red out things you’ve abandoned or will never attempt
4) Italicize things you want to try
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Baby items
Button holes
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Charity knitting
Continental knitting
Cuffs/fingerless mitts/arm warmers
Designing knitted garments
Domino knitting (modular knitting)
Drop stitch patterns
Dyeing with plant colors
Dyeing yarn
Fair Isle knitting
Freeform knitting
Graffiti knitting (knitting items on, or to be left on the street)
Hair accessories
Holiday related knitting
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cozies…)
Kitchener BO
Knitting a gift
Knitting and purling backwards
Knitting for a living
Knitting for pets
Knitting for preemies
Knitting in public
Knitting items for a wedding
Knitting socks
Knitting to make money
Lace patterns
Long Tail CO
Machine knitting
Mittens: Cuff-up
Mittens: Tip-down
Moebius band knitting
Norwegian knitting
Olympic knitting
Participating in a KAL
Publishing a knitting book
Scarf –and never again if I can help it
Short rows
Slip stitch patterns
Socks: toe-up
Socks: top-down
Stockinette stitch
Stuffed toys
Teaching a child to knit
Teaching a male how to knit
Textured knitting
Thrummed knitting
Toy/doll clothing
Tubular CO
Twisted stitch patterns
Two end knitting
Writing a pattern
Now...who to pass it on to? cusegirlknits, Kara, monkeylovah, Paming About, annieB
Knitting to the Music of Life

We went, we saw, we shopped.
Welcome to Mecca take 2
Whatever I call it, it was another fun filled trip to the yarn capital of New England.

Upon arrival we did the roommate assignment. The kid in me had been thinking of this a grand adventure including a slumber party. If only we didn’t have to split up into separate rooms. We hit the mall and had a late dinner. Then back to the room for some refreshments and knitting. The atmosphere was not what I had expected. Instead of bonding and giggling we talked and were somewhat subdued. I am not complaining, merely stating the obvious…Miss Obvious here…”it’s hot in here!”
No seriously, it surprised me. The sociologist in me wonders why things did not go as I planned. I know we were all anxious and looking forward to the trip. I know that each of

The only other group this large that I spend an extended period of time with is my maternal family. I have often seen an afternoon fall flat on its face as everyone gathers together with jubilation which crumbles piece by piece as each individual is forced to make compromises for “the group” sake and their personal preferences are overridden by the social pressure to comply or be left out. And as we are all fairly new friends (having known each other for fewer than 9 months and in some cases less than 2) I think we were all feeling the pressure. Based on family experience I find it’s best if we all have a clear expectation of what’s going to happen and do not deviate too far. That way we’re all prepared to make the necessary concessions and do not feel the

Breakfast was a quick event and then we made our way to Webs via Starbucks, a much appreciated detour on my part.
I’m filled with warmth as I recall the hours spent wondering through the isles of wool, alpaca, wool, cotton, alpaca, and more alpaca. I found a great joy in shopping with my companions as opposed to running off on my own as I typically do since I have very specific interests (alpaca) and limited time (about 3 hours). Heather and I discussed Malibrigo, always a favorite. Pam and I discovered a lovely yarn, Buckingham Baby Alpaca, and that we could easily share some Araucania Limari. I laughed as Kara gorged

Things I learned from this trip.
- Have clearly laid plans that everyone is aware of prior to departure
- Choose transportation that encourages inclusion not isolation
- Relax and have fun, do not worry too much about other’s happiness.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Where's Waldo?

Monday, May 12, 2008
New Hampshire
· 67 Bald Eagles were sighted in NH during the 2008 National Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey, which is up from the 2006 count of 44. NH Fish and Game Department.
· 1 Million gallons of biodiesel were used throughout NH in 2007, resulting in an 11,000 ton reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. That is equivalent to removing approximately 2,500 cars from NH’s roadways. NH Dept. of Environmental Services.
· Concord NH was ranked #2 in the U.S. News and World Report’s list of the best places to retire. Some desirable traits of the town include a median home price of $211,000 and a population of 42,336. Concord was the only New England city featured in the Top Ten. U.S. News and World Report.
· The unemployment rate in NH in December 2007 fell below the national unemployment rate of 5%. NH’s was 3.6%. NH Employment Security.
· New Hampshire was first named North Virginia and was once under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. http://www.nh.gov/.
That is all.
There is only so much wool

I did get some lovely green-yellow wool boucle yarn. I had the Clapotis in mind when I picked it up. My color pallet is usually purples and pinks but then I don’t wear purples and pinks so I tried to select a color that matched my wardrobe but was not necessarily the most visually pleasing.
Sunday we decided to take a ride to Mt. Chicora so The Boyfriend could run in the woods while I did some more knitting. From the beginning of the day it was clear to both of us that I belong where civilization is just a shout away. Much of the ten minute ride over dirt roads to the base of the mountain was spent with nervous alpaca impersonations. We are a pair of goofs, driving along with my complaints mixed in with The Boyfriend demonstration of what my last comment would sound like if I were an alpaca. Laughing ensued which made the woods tolerable for a few minutes until I saw another dilapidated cabin or field and resumed my commentary on the distasteful attributes of the woods.

While chilling in the woods, I worked on my mittens of course and listened to Craftlit podcasts. I finished up the Tulips. And you’ll be happy to know I walked through the woods for over an hour. The only wildlife I encountered was a tick which held on to my sock for dear life.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Side note: last night we went to see Iron Man and as I did not have any simple portable projects, I didn’t knit. I felt anxious through the whole movie. I couldn’t relax; my foot jiggled the whole time. I don’t know when I last sat still for that long without needles in my hands. Years…at least 2, m

Subsequently, I did not enjoy the movie. The Boyfriend thought it was the best superhero movie he’d ever seen. This makes me rather sad as I am a big sci-fi fan.
To prevent any sort of knitting withdrawal today, I’ve decided to cast on Tulips which are the Herringbone Mittens by Elli. These colors remind me of the blossoms in my garden. I am aware of the brightness of these mittens, and would probably not wear them myself. I think a little Miss LT should be the recipient. We shall see.
Now that I’ve resolved this knitting crisis I can continue getting ready to go visit the sheep and alpacas! The Boyfriend is slightly less excited to see them but I think it’s his tough exterior. Deep down it’s like Christmas for him too.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Love the floor

Also Mac likes the floors.
The washer is running, yup fixed in about 20 minutes. Turns out felt is not what the doctored ordered. The water pump was jammed solid with “lint” as the repairman put it. I will have to cave and use the mesh bags for nylons or pillowcases next time. The mice are nearly dry and are awaiting their stuffing and bells.
And the 1st mitten of the Mittens in May Challenge is nearing completion. It’s my own Norwegian design, a mix of geometric patterns, hearts and hopefully something that will resemble a Devon Rex. Photos coming soon.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Washer Trouble

They are much cuter and smaller now that they’ve shrunk down.
After the felting was complete I did a final spin through on the jeans that I had used to agitate. And the washer decided that this was the perfect moment to stop working. Thus giving The Boyfriend ammunition with which to blame me for the repair. Clearly it was the work of those mystical pixies again. They are always sneaking around causing havoc. The pixies are also responsible for putting cardboard in with the plastic recycling and leaving the lid of the trash can up. They hide single socks and buy ridiculous obnoxious pop songs on Itunes. It's true!
I’ve taken to referring to Nessa as My Nessa. Do you see where this is going? She’s just so sweet and so cuddly. And as I'm writing this Linus has come to claim him thrown on my lap while purring the whole time. Yes I'm feeling guilty about being a little star struck over Nessa. Although, her incessant cries for attention Saturday night were unnerving. However, I have forgiven her in light of her recent show success. There were more Second Best of Breeds than I’d like, but she did get a 3rd Best Short Hair (clap, and raise eyebrows as though you are incredibly impressed).

Friday, May 2, 2008
It’s official. Thank you Mice! I hate you!
Are you confused?
First there is success in the fact that did in fact knit 2.11 miles in April.
Second, the mice were the bulk of that knitting. It’s always nice to knit a small project that allows me to express my loud interior. I love the bright colors, the more intense the better.
Third…55 mice is a lot, right? You’re thinking, that’s crazy to knit that many mice. I didn’t feel crazy when they were flying off the needles, I was truly enjoying it. But now the sewing begins. Let me tell you, sewing in that many ends is a miserable process. I’m about half way through sewing them up.
What’s going on now?
I’m alternating the sewing with knitting up a DVD player case for NAZ. It’s army green Lopi yarn with some charcoal black stripes. It should be nice once it’s felted.
Today I cast on Light Fantastic from Knit Simple. I thought this airy looking tunic out of a mohair blend (Kidsilk Haze was recommended, I substituted Sublime for it’s nylon in place of silk) So I thought this would be a lovely light garment. I’ve cast on 37 stitches of the 155 required and am already disenchanted with this yarn. Perhaps it’s better to knit than cast on.
I’m about 5” into Lutea Lace Shoulder Shell with the new yarn. Berroco Nostalgia is a very nice yarn and my tension is much better than the first attempt with Patons Grace.
What’s the future hold?
The rest of May to be exact.
In addition to more knitting, there will of course be more cat showing. Tomorrow Nessa and I head to Concord. Hopefully she’ll get some more points towards her Grand Champion title. It’s funny, I’ve been to enough shows to know that 80% of the time it’s just sitting around talking, eating greasy food and looking for the next caffeine hit, either water downed soda or palatable coffee. 10% of the time it’s grooming and running Nessa from point A to point B. And the other 10% is the excitement of sitting in the ring, watching my girl, and waiting to hear the judges opinions. Hoping to get that coveted Best of breed with the potential to get called back for a Final. Of course I’ll be knitting while I’m waiting for the excitement.
I’m thinking of taking a hint from Mrs. Z and taking on the Mittens in May Challenge. I’m seeing two pairs of Norwegian Mittens something like this or this. One for me and one for? I could use some of my stashed wool. This would also help get me back in the swing of knitting with two colors so that I could some day pick up the Ivy League Vest again with confidence.
I’m also thinking of tackling some lace. I would see this as the Mace Challenge. I could use some of my Peruvian alpaca yarn that came directly from Peru in The Colonel’s suitcase. I’m seeing the Clapotis.
Please help me decide...Mittens in May or Mace?