I’ve been busily working on the Twisty Turn wrap from Wrap Style. I cast on at 10pm the other night using the Lime-Navy Malabrigo I got at one of the trips to Webs. I love how the colors transition from one to the other. Front of the photo
I’m also working on the Lillehammer Hat by Cider Moon. Back of the photo and chart Using the Navy Pastaza and the amazing green Pastaza I got at Mind’s Eye Yarn Shop last week. I’m flying through it although my right hand is protesting such dense knitting. Why does it do that? Doubled yarns or two colors on medium sized needles and my knuckles start to cry. Which means I can only do about an hour at a time and then rest.
I've also turned the heel on one of the Space Needle socks that have been shoved down to the bottom of my knitting bag these past three weeks. I've picked up some momentum and hopefully will finish them in the next week or so.
But I’m sure you’ll find this the most interesting part of my day…I made a “Fake Apple Pie Crumble”. It is amazing! And what’s Fake about you may say…well…it doesn’t have any apples, in their place it calls for zucchini!
We had a giant one from a friend’s garden and I didn’t feel like making a normal zucchini dish. So skeptical as I was, I dug in and peeled, seeded, and chunked the zucchini. I found the recipie here, and if you’re sick of eating zucchini that tastes like zucchini I encourage you to give it a shot. Oh and The Boyfriend didn’t notice anything different about it. I told him that it wasn’t just apples that it was zucchini and his jaw dropped. He finished his serving and I said “maybe next time I’ll actually use apples” to which he looked shocked and amazed, “it was just zucchini?!?!?!” You betcha!
But I’m sure you’ll find this the most interesting part of my day…I made a “Fake Apple Pie Crumble”. It is amazing! And what’s Fake about you may say…well…it doesn’t have any apples, in their place it calls for zucchini!

1 comment:
That's awesome!! I'm so glad that you were able to find a use for it - we're burnt out on the big Z!
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