In the afternoon we were up in four rings and ended up getting called back for four finals. This is what we’re there for so it’s thrilling but can I tell you how loud it is in a show hall, with all the microphones and meowing? Maybe I’m more sensitive now because of the quiet lifestyle.
I did manage to squeeze in a little work on my Space needle socks. Again, I can’t “be in opposition to” (dis-recommend isn’t a word) this yarn enough. Knit Picks Essential. I can’t even feel the 25% nylon, it’s like 100% wool. ITCHY!
I’m also realizing that it’s the end of the month. Woaw, where did that come from? I did accomplish the Complete the Ivy League Vest Challenge so if anyone’s keeping track that’s 7-1, it’s a winning record so I’m happy. But what’s on tap for next month?
The Boyfriend suggests I Knit for Obama. While I’d gladly wear a Knitters for Obama t-shirt, I don’t think I want to knit for the man. Although…?
EZ would have me knit tights for children and adults. Yah that’s not going to happen. Tights! Honestly who wears those? Can you tell it’s late and I’m a bit punchy? Maybe not the best time to make a decision.
I have been eager to tackle a pair of socks from New Pathways for Socks Knitters, but then again I’d knit that anyway and it’s not really so much of a challenge. I prefer the challenges that cause me to use up the stashed yarn, the really old stuff. Oh wait, isn’t it time to do a Mile in a Month?

I think it is, since I wanted to knit 4 miles spaced evenly throughout the year. But maybe I should throw down the gauntlet and say knit 2 Miles this month! Oh and make it be some of the old stuff? Alright pick a number between 1 and 319. This’ll be the 2 mile month of random yarn. Pist, I have a list of all of my different types and colors of yarn and there are 319 of them, but that’ll be between just you and me. Help me out and throw out some numbers and the corresponding yarns will be what I’m challenged to knit 2 miles with. Even you quiet people, who don’t like to comment, even you, throw out a number. It’ll make it more a challenge for me which inturn is more fun for you as you watch me knit circle around myself.