I really feel patriotic knitting with red, white, and blue.


I’ve been working the Uptown Boot Socks with the Araucania Ranco, and am disappointed to report that the yarn is indeed itchy. I had thought 25% polyamide would be enough to soften it but alas the knitted fabric is course. Perhaps washing will help with that. I have converted to a toe up construction as that’s my bag, baby! .

I’m also using Araucania Ranco in lime to make the Austrian Socks. Which are the most difficult cable pattern imaginable!!! Seriously 4 hours to knit ¾” I can see that those socks, I’m calling them Dexter socks will take months to complete.
I need to begin packing for Rhinebeck. Four of us are heading out for a long weekend at the New York Sheep and Wool Festival. I don’t know much about it except that for many knitters it’s the highlight of the year. I’m hoping for sun and chance to knit with friends.
oh my gosh what a wild bag!You are too GREAT! Love it Love itl
Can I get one of those for Palin? JUST KIDDING
this is truly knitting for Obama!
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